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Diver Management

Dive Planning

How to plan the dive so you enjoy the dive and Survive the Dive

Dive Planning

Dive planning is essential and should involve all people participating in the activity – the divers, the skipper and the dive activity supervisor.

Good dive planning guarantees all participants enjoy the best experience while ensuring everybody knows what to expect and when, allowing for swift emergency response if required.

Divers plan their dives either by combining knowledge of the expected location topography and dive conditions with dive tables or a dive computer to plan the dive route, expected depths, bottom times and safe ascent procedures.

All participants must know the following about the dive plan:

  • Whether they intend to return to the boat or be picked up at another location
  • Planned exit procedures – how will the divers enter and exit the water
  • The dive duration – it's the Dive Activity Supervisor’s role to record the dive times and have a plan of action should the divers exceed the planned time.

Dive Activity Supervisor should also:

  • Understand how to assist divers wherever possible, including equipment setup and checking, equipment removal and safe equipment stowage.
  • Understand diver signals - most notably the hand signals for 'OK' and 'Distress on the surface'.
  • Stay alert and awake. If you feel tired, move around the boat.

Additional Resources